“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 83: Rebuilding your Lyme body with celebrity trainer and Lyme warrior Kim Strother

February 28, 2025

Rebuilding your Lyme body with celebrity trainer Kim Strother

If there is one expert in physical wellness and gaining health after Lyme, it is Kim Strother.  Kim is one of LA’s top celebrity trainers, a health coach, and yoga instructor.  Most importantly (in my book) is the fact that she is a Lyme warrior.  She knows how to take a damaged, weak, strained body and make it whole again.

In the newest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST, Kim discusses having a healthy, lifelong relationship with athleticism until her world came crashing down in 2013 with a Lyme diagnosis, leaving her with invisible illness in a new world. 

Kim is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Yoga Alliance, and The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. As a former Ford Model, she has appeared on the cover of Runner’s World and has been featured in Fitness Magazine, Self, Shape, Women’s Health and Health. Kim has also been the face of campaigns for Nike, Reebok, Champion, Vibram, Lady Foot Locker, Adidas, and Columbia Sportswear and was named one of the most in-demand fitness models by Raked.  Kim is a featured fitness instructor on the Melissa Wood Health App and has taught for various studios and workshops across the country including Yoga Glo, Barry’s Bootcamp, Bandier, SXSW and Summit Series.

I had the pleasure of getting into the nitty-gritty dark corners of the unpredictable nature of the chronic Lyme recovery journey with Kim.  We talked about the diet that worked for her, her favorite healing book, how she gets into gear with a flare-up, the importance of mental health during healing and losing the victim mentality.  It’s a wonderful, vulnerable chat that every person in our community can identify with for sure.

Hear about Kim’s new venture called “The Paleo Path”, discover her in-home wellness retreat, and learn more about personal plans for yourself at KimStrother.com.

Make it a great weekend, warriors.  Baby steps are still steps!

In good health,



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