
clean living : food

Food is a very important part of the healing process. It is important to eat clean, real, organic food. We all have different sensitivities to different foods, so it is very personal. Professionals agree that a Paleo or Ketogenic diet is crucial. No one formula is a cure-all, but if you ask those of us who have had Lyme for years, eventually we agree that eating an anti-inflammatory diet and starving the Lyme and its co-infections is imperative. Lyme loves sugar and a toxic environment, so it is important to boost your immune system through your diet. We wanted to share what we have found to bring symptom relief, but this is only an outline so do what you find works best for you.

food guide to healing lyme
  • No Alcohol
  • Limit Meat except Fish
  • No Dairy
  • No Sugar and Added Sugar
  • No Grains
  • No Gluten (such as in bread, salad dressing, soy sauce, etc.)
  • No Caffeine
  • Only eat organic, no preservatives or chemicals
  • Drink lots of clean water
  • Drink lots of herbal tea for detoxing and anti-microbial. Cistus tea is good to break down the biofilm and ginger, milk thistle, dandelion are good for detoxing
  • Lots of green juice, celery juice
  • Your diet should be mostly vegetables
  • Juicing, water, bone broth fasting, and intermittent fasting have proven to be great for your health. They allow your body time to rest, repair, and detox by limiting caloric intake. Fasting can be anywhere from 1 to 7 days. Intermittent fasting provides the same benefits, but is easier to complete. This type of fasting limits your eating to only eight hours.  

    There are so many cookbooks, blogs, Instagram accounts, YouTube videos, restaurants, and other resources that provide great recipes and options. You can still be creative in the kitchen, eat out, and enjoy yourself. It’s hard at first, but you will surprise yourself. Look at each meal as medicine for your body. Life is good. This is just a new normal.

    cookbooks for clean eating