“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 85: Need-based protocol assistance with Ticked Off Foundation founder and The Gratitude Curve author Gregg Kirk

March 14, 2025 in Inspirations, Treatments

If you are struggling in a serious way financially with your Lyme disease treatment, this episode is for you. Founder of Ticked Off Foundation Gregg Kirk has teamed up with NutraMedix to offer something special to those in deep need and we go into detail in the latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 83: Rebuilding your Lyme body with celebrity trainer and Lyme warrior Kim Strother

February 28, 2025 in Inspirations

If there is one expert in physical wellness and gaining health after Lyme, it is Kim Strother. Kim is one of LA’s top celebrity trainers, a health coach, and yoga instructor. Most importantly (in my book) is the fact that she is a Lyme warrior. She knows how to take a damaged, weak, strained body and make it whole again.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 80: Advocacy: Center for Lyme Action Virtual Fly-In with your state senators and representatives

January 20, 2025 in Inspirations, Managing Symptoms, Treatments

Whether you have Lyme, tickborne illness, are a caretaker, or family member, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE from the comfort of your home. The Center for Lyme Action holds a virtual event every February (called a Virtual Fly-In) where you join your state senators and representatives on Zoom to request further funding for tickborne illness. Don’t worry, there is a brief training offered upon signup. No travel, no fee, and everyone is welcome!

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 79: The Healthcare Insurance Web x Lyme Disease with Amanda Fairbanks

December 19, 2024 in Inspirations

Amanda M. Fairbanks is an award-winning journalist and author of The Lost Boys of Montauk: The True Story of the Wind Blown, Four Men Who Vanished at Sea, and the Survivors They Left Behind. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the Atlantic, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Columbia Journalism Review, Air Mail, and the East Hampton Star.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 74: “Kicking Sick” author and warrior Amy Kurtz

This is a book every chronic illness patient should own. What I love in particular are the additions of expert advice in every spoke of her wellness wheel. Join our discussion in the latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST.. I think every Lyme warrior will be able to relate and receive practical advice, support, and reference points no matter the stage of healing.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 59: Ali’s Story with special guest Dr. Bill Rawls

January 11, 2024 in Inspirations, Treatments

I re-recorded My Story on the Lyme Time podcast and welcomed special guest and friend, Dr. Bill Rawls. I just loved our chat, mainly because he offered the perspective of the Lyme physician. He knows what it feels like to walk this path because he suffered from Lyme Carditis for many years and overcame it once he turned to alternative treatments. He devoted his practice to helping others heal from this devastating condition and is now one of the top authorities on healing Lyme from a cellular level up.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 58: Global Lyme Alliance board member and Lyme warrior Kenzie Vath

November 30, 2023 in Inspirations, Managing Symptoms, Treatments

Learn about the Global Lyme Alliance organization on this latest episode of the LYME TIME podcast with guest Kenzie Vath. Kenzie is the founder of @HolisticUmbrella on Instagram, a proud mom, Lyme warrior, author of The Ignored Pandemic: Real Stories of Lyme Disease, and Board of Directors member of Global Lyme Alliance, amongst many other passions.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 56: Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease with authors Rachel Leland and Dorothy Kupcha-Leland

October 26, 2023 in Inspirations

The latest episode of the Lyme Time podcast dives deep into the teen years of Rachel Leland and her sudden onset of Lyme disease as a young athlete. Through detailed journaling, Rachel’s story tells us how this disease took hold of her youth and destroyed life as she knew it. Her family had no idea what was happening to Rachel and her illness took a toll on their dynamic to the point of multiple hospitalizations for various reasons.


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