“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 88: Ayahuasca, Kambo, and Plant Medicines for Healing Lyme and Mental Health

March 28, 2025 in Treatments

Ok, what’s the deal with these alternative ways to gain perspective on your healing limitations? Are all these obscure things people are raving about really helping people turn the corner on chronic illness and associated mental health? I ask Lyme advocate Emily Levy all the questions you are secretly wanting to ask…and I was surprised, comforted, curious, and ALL the things in this new episode of this LYME TIME PODCAST.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 86: Gluten, Dairy and Allergy-Free Delicious Eating x Lyme with Lauren Less

Food allergies, sensitivities, hives, pain, ER visits, and the emotional toll of not being able to eat what you once could is devastating. For people like Lauren Less, it became her LIFE. If she wasn’t worried about what she just ate, she was worried about what she was going to eat. It was a non-stop tortuous revolving wheel that she couldn’t get under control.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 85: Need-based protocol assistance with Ticked Off Foundation founder and The Gratitude Curve author Gregg Kirk

March 14, 2025 in Inspirations, Treatments

If you are struggling in a serious way financially with your Lyme disease treatment, this episode is for you. Founder of Ticked Off Foundation Gregg Kirk has teamed up with NutraMedix to offer something special to those in deep need and we go into detail in the latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 80: Advocacy: Center for Lyme Action Virtual Fly-In with your state senators and representatives

January 20, 2025 in Inspirations, Managing Symptoms, Treatments

Whether you have Lyme, tickborne illness, are a caretaker, or family member, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE from the comfort of your home. The Center for Lyme Action holds a virtual event every February (called a Virtual Fly-In) where you join your state senators and representatives on Zoom to request further funding for tickborne illness. Don’t worry, there is a brief training offered upon signup. No travel, no fee, and everyone is welcome!

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 78: Babesiosis x Lyme with 60 Degrees Pharma CEO Dr. Geoffrey Dow

December 5, 2024 in Treatments

If you have the coinfection of Babesiosis, this is an important episode of Lyme Time for you. Learn how ticks can spread this insidious parasite infection and how the symptoms present. Dr. Geoffrey Dow has devoted much of his research in testing the drug Tafenoquine (currently FDA approved for Malaria) because Babesiosis becomes very similar to Malaria once it causes infection.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 76: NEW FDA-Approved Lyme test and the latest at Lyme Biobank/Bay Area Lyme Foundation research with Liz Horn, PhD, MBI

October 24, 2024 in Prevention, Treatments

The latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST features Liz Horn, PhD, MBI, the Principal Investigator of Lyme Disease Biobank, a program of Bay Area Lyme Foundation. Liz serves as PI of Lyme Disease Biobank, a resource created to provide much-needed blood, urine, and tissue samples to researchers studying Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections.

“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 74: “Kicking Sick” author and warrior Amy Kurtz

This is a book every chronic illness patient should own. What I love in particular are the additions of expert advice in every spoke of her wellness wheel. Join our discussion in the latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST.. I think every Lyme warrior will be able to relate and receive practical advice, support, and reference points no matter the stage of healing.


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