integrative medicine
mind, body, spirit

Integrative medicine is an approach to care that puts the patient at the center and addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect a person’s total health and well-being. Lyme patients of Integrative medicine often pair treatments with Conventional and Functional medicine. It is wholly defined by acknowledging the power of mental health, the five senses, energy work and spirituality working together with traditional methods to heal the human body in an alternative manner.
There are so many forms of Integrative medicine. Below, we have listed a few of our favorites in alphabetical order. As with any procedure or treatment, we can only offer information as advice from our own experience. It is up to each Lyme patient to investigate each one themselves and speak with their doctors about any potential risks involved. We hope you find what works for you!
Because joint pain and fatigue are so common with chronic Lyme disease, Chinese acupuncture (an eastern medicine technique), can help pinpoint specific spots to release tension, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Very thin needles are inserted through the skin at strategic points on your body. Acupressure works similarly except instead of the needles, the acupuncturist uses their fingers to apply pressure to specific points on the skin.
antimicrobial soap
If different bacteria are exposed to the skin and absorbed, they can trigger Lyme episodes. Antimicrobial soap, specifically Hibiclens, can be used to kill the bacteria in a specific location on the skin before it is absorbed into the body. It is important to use with a soft loofah after being in a hot tub, lake, after shaving, on bug bites, etc. and as needed.
bemer mat
The BEMER mat is a device from the BEMER group that stimulates small blood vessels thereby improving microcirculation through pulsed magnetic fields. We use it eight minutes a day.
Biofeedback uses body sensors that give the patient feedback so they can make changes such as relaxing specific muscles or altering the rate of their breathing. This treatment can help patients manage their stress which can worsen Lyme symptoms.
CBD and cannabis
CBD and Cannabis oils and lotions can help ease the neuropathic and inflammatory pain at the location on the skin in addition to helping with insomnia caused by Lyme. CBD and Cannabis can also be inhaled and both are now being recognized for medicinal benefits.
colon hydrotherapy
Colonics help remove toxins from the colon and are administered by a hydrotherapist with specialized equipment for multiple infusions. Enemas can be administered at home with water (or coffee/water combination) which is absorbed into the colon through the rectum allowing the patient to have multiple bowel movements to detox as well as provide a boost of energy (with coffee).
Cupping removes toxins and improves blood flow through the veins and arteries. It can also improve muscle spasms and digestive issues. Little cups are placed at the location of the pain and the skin is vacuumed upward in the cup, circulating blood. Make sure to use glass cups if possible. Cupping can be useful during Herx reactions.
dry brushing
Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like…using a stiff bristle brush in specific movements on your dry body stimulates the lymph fluid and helps the toxins flush out. Doing this before a shower or workout is best.
eating plant-based or paleo
Reducing foods that cause inflammation, including gluten and dairy products, can help ease the joint pain that comes with chronic Lyme. We have also found that it is helpful to cut down on red meat, sugar, and caffeine. The bacteria will feed off the sugar, and you want to limit the amount of chemicals you are putting into your body for it to have a chance to detox.
eft tapping
Invented by a clinical psychologist, Tapping therapy is a powerful tool that can help you quickly get over your biggest fears and stimulate the instant release of stored emotions and traumas. This technique can create a balance in your energy system (sometimes a missing component in the recovery process of Lyme) and treat pain and anxiety with emotional release.
epsom salt baths
Epsom salt baths are a great way for the body to relax and detox, especially when you have Lyme. The magnesium can help with anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The sulfates increase the liver’s ability to produce bile, which is important for removing toxins from the body. Lastly, it can help relax sore muscles. We recommend dry brushing before which will help stimulate the lymphatic system and open your pores.
essential oils
Some essential oils have killed “persister” Lyme cell bacteria in the laboratory and now researchers are planning animal studies. Specifically, essential oils from garlic bulbs, allspice berries, myrrh trees, spiked ginger lily and May Chang trees “completely eradicated” all Lyme disease bacteria in 7 days and no regrowth occurred in 21 days.
fascia rolling
Some people with chronic Lyme experience fibromyalgia-like symptoms, stiffness, and muscle/joint pain. Foam rolling helps loosen the fascia (connective tissue around muscles) and relieve muscle soreness and help release toxins.
herbal hormone therapy
Lyme disease can mimic hormonal symptoms associated with menopause, regardless of the women’s age. Herbs such as Black Cohosh, Red Clover, Rhubarb Root, and Chaste Tree Berry can reduce symptoms.
hyperbaric oxygen chamber
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is known for treating decompression sickness that can happen while scuba diving. However, the process of breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber can also help with serious infections like Lyme.
infared sauna
The use of Infrared heat can come in the form of a standing sauna, sauna bed, or sauna wrap. Studies have shown infrared heat reduces cellular inflammation and can kill Lyme bacteria as well as some Staph infections. The warmth of the “heat only” infrared sauna releases toxins as you sweat and is also soothing on the joint and muscle pain associated with Lyme.
intravenous light therapy
This form of treatment uses low-level red wavelengths to repair cells and treat joint/muscle pain and inflammation. Red light helps with cellular regeneration and immune stimulation. (Yellow light has Vitamin D and serotonin effect, green is more oxygen uptake, blue is anti-inflammatory). Sessions are 10 minutes each. The light therapy has been approved by the FDA but only on top of the skin, not intravenous.
ionic foot bath
The positively charged water draws the negatively charged toxins out of the body through the bottom of the feet, similar to how a magnet works.
magnetic therapy
Magnetic therapy or biomagnetism can be used to achieve a balanced pH within the body, known as “homeostasis.”
massages/lymphatic drainage
Massages can release toxins from the body’s tissues and organs into the bloodstream, so for massages to be detoxing, you must flush out the system by drinking lots of lemon water afterward or taking a binder.
There are days or weeks when getting out of bed seems impossible, or if you do exercise, it puts you back in bed for days. Everyone and every day is different so be sure to listen to your body. Once you are feeling better, light movements such as walking, swimming, or easy yoga are possible but be aware your body is healing so don’t push it too hard to avoid a setback.
oil pulling
Oil pulling, also known as “kavala” or “gundusha,” is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (such as coconut oil for its antimicrobial properties) in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action can draw out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health. You can feel a difference in only one treatment. Make sure to dry brush immediately after and use a different brush than your daily brush
Treatments include myofascial unwinding, facilitated positional release, balanced ligamentous tension release, and visceral manipulation in the cranial region. The goal is to “seek the key lesion” where they look for the primary underlying cause triggering the symptoms and disease. Once that is located then the focus is on performing the OMTs in that area of the body.
osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT)
There are days or weeks when getting out of bed seems impossible, or if you do exercise, it puts you back in bed for days. Everyone and every day is different so be sure to listen to your body. Once you are feeling better, light movements such as walking, swimming, or easy yoga are possible but be aware your body is healing so don’t push it too hard to avoid a setback.
ozone therapy
There are numerous ways to receive Ozone therapy, including intravenously, enema, ear insufflation, and Ten Pass. Ten Pass requires a machine that delivers the Ozone at a level/rate that is stronger than IV treatment. You will either need to buy a machine for your home or go to a practitioner’s office that administers the Ozone therapy. The basis of Ozone Therapy is that if you flood the body with oxygen it will stimulate the immune system and kill off the fungus, bacteria, and infections causing your Lyme symptoms.
Talk therapy with a psychologist engages the patient’s mental well being. There are many different areas of specialists, and it would be helpful to find one that has some experience with treating Lyme patients. It is beneficial to have a sounding board other than family and friends when working through the emotions of being misunderstood, not believed, guilt for not doing as much, frustration and anger.
Rebounding is jumping on a trampoline or anything that allows your body to move and bounce without too much impact. The bouncing forces the fluid in your lymph system to move, releasing toxins. 10 minutes a day!
reiki energy healing
Reiki is a healing technique where the therapist touches the patient to activate the natural healing processes in the body. Research has shown that Reiki reduces the patient’s perception of pain sensations.
Rife machine and AmpCoil
The Rife machine produces an electromagnetic frequency wave that is intended to kill bacteria. The rife machine is relatively expensive but there are a few Lyme doctors who specialize in treating Lyme with Rife. The AmpCoil produces sound waves to damage the Lyme spirochetes. This generates a Herx reaction during the release of neurotoxins during the die-off.
Shamanic Healing is not a religious treatment. It has been practiced by many different cultures for thousands of years. Shamans use various healing techniques such as crystals, energy healing and more, to address illness on a spiritual level. After a guided meditation, the shaman welcomes energy and helps you understand your gift in the suffering and with this, creative energy is given new life. Many people experience failed treatment to start working after Shamanic healing that reinstates personal power and inner drive back to a vibrant life.
supplements and herbs
Herbs are nourishing to the body and can be used after the antibiotics to prevent the disease from becoming chronic or ease the symptoms of Lyme. Just like the IV drips, taking supplements and/or Chinese herbs can help deliver missing nutrients to the body but this way you can take them daily without having to go to the doctor and sit for an hour or two. Supplements can take a few days or weeks before the cumulative effect begins so stick with them long term!
transformative breathing
There are different breathing techniques you can follow but the goal is to achieve a meditative level of consciousness and release emotional traumas brought on by a flare or causing a flare. You may experience immediate tingling feelings and elevated moods, signs of the body receiving more oxygen and becoming more alkaline.