“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 56: Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease with authors Rachel Leland and Dorothy Kupcha-Leland

October 26, 2023

Finding Resilience:  A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease

The latest episode of the Lyme Time podcast dives deep into the teen years of Rachel Leland and her sudden onset of Lyme disease as a young athlete.  Through detailed journaling, Rachel’s story tells us how this disease took hold of her youth and destroyed life as she knew it.  Her family had no idea what was happening to Rachel and her illness took a toll on their dynamic to the point of multiple hospitalizations for various reasons.

What makes this book so special is her mother, Dorothy Kupcha Leland, who shares her narrative throughout the story.  When Rachel was feeling angry and frustrated with the onslaught of doctor’s appointments, her mother was having feelings that ranged from helpless to hopeful on any given day.  The dual journey that both paralleled and polarized is captured so beautifully on these pages. 

This is a story of pic lines, mental health, wheelchairs, peers that bully, social anxiety, fear of being alone, medication side effects, teenage angst, and a family in despair.  It is also the story of so many teens.  A story of hope, unending love, inner strength, courage, standing tall, creativity, friendship, and acceptance.

This book is a gift to any teen suffering through Lyme disease, as the viewpoint of the child is so specific.  It is also a gift for Lyme parents, loving these children every step of the way.  The road is never easy, but you are not alone.

To listen to this podcast episode with both Rachel and Dorothy, click HERE.  To order a copy of the book, click HERE.

Dorothy Kupcha Leland is the President of LymeDisease.org, a non-profit organization that provides a wealth of information for anyone suffering from Lyme disease.

Rachel can be found and followed on Instagram at @ResilientlyRachel.

Sending all families and teens so much love.

Best always,


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