“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 60: Global Lyme Alliance: An essential resource for Lyme disease

January 18, 2024

My #1 Resource for Lyme Disease

Global Lyme Alliance’s CEO Laura MacNeill joins the latest episode of the LYME TIME podcast and it’s packed FULL of important information for every Lyme warrior.  I consider GLA the leader of the pack when it comes to active and ongoing research.

Not only have they awarded over $17M (repeat, $17M!) toward Lyme and tickborne illness, but they are a bountiful resource support for Lyme as it pertains to pediatrics, mental health, diagnostics, University research and patient support.  It’s a treasure-trove of good things happening in the Lyme world.

Laura discusses the NEW research on Lyme and its findings (is there a new antibiotic on the horizon?), GLA’s FREE webinars, their peer-to-peer support program, their healthcare provider search engine, financial support and how to get involved in mentoring others.

This episode is for everyone.  Parents, family, spouses, and patients of tickborne illness.  Perhaps this is your call to action?

To listen to this episode, click HERE.

To learn more about Global Lyme Alliance, visit GlobalLymeAlliance.org.

The Lyme movement might seem slow at times to our community but believe me, intensive and exciting research at universities like Northeastern are underway and you won’t want to miss this interview of hope!

In good health,


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