“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 84: Non-Toxic Living x Symptom Control with Nicole Remini-Wiskow of The Wellness Company

March 7, 2025

Living a non-toxic product life with Nicole Remini-Wiskow

Look around you right now.  Look at how many products you use on your body every day.  Look at the chemicals you are using for your laundry and dishes that you eat from every day.  Look at the chemicals in your hair color and shampoo that goes into your body through the pores on your scalp.  If you suffer from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, hives, sensitivities to “everything”, this podcast episode is for you.

If you are not committed to cleaning up your surroundings yet yearn for a healed body, you may be hitting a crossroads of sorts.

“Lyme and tickborne illness thrive in toxicity”, says Nicole Remini-Wiskow, an advocate for clean living.  Some candles, makeup, body lotion, etc. takes mere seconds to enter the lung-and-bloodstream. 

Listen to this Lyme Time Podcast episode to hear her speak about big brand companies and how toxins are approved in the U.S. and how they can be endocrine disruptors.  These products can be the root cause of many symptoms, causing MCAS (allergic reactions increasing as the immune system weakens).  Hear her personal story and how toxic products and outdoor poisons have gravely impacted her life.  Yes, she’s on a mission, and with good cause.

Learn more from Nicole and TRUE WELLNESS products and lifestyle changes Here.  She also provides an extra source of income for those dedicated to this movement.  Bravo!

The podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, YouTube and at TheTickChicks.com.

In good health,



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