“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 85: Need-based protocol assistance with Ticked Off Foundation founder and The Gratitude Curve author Gregg Kirk

March 14, 2025

Need-based protocol help with Ticked Off Foundation’s founder Gregg Kirk

If you are struggling in a serious way financially with your Lyme disease treatment, this episode is for you.  Founder of Ticked Off Foundation Gregg Kirk has teamed up with NutraMedix to offer something special to those in deep need and we go into detail in the latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST.

Gregg knows firsthand how deeply confusing and financially traumatizing Lyme and tickborne illness can be.  He is a writer, musician, Lyme advocate, and healer who has been practicing Reiki, Human Tuning, and remote energy healing for almost two decades after a decade of struggling with tickborne illness.

Gregg is a true philanthropist and outreach leader for Lyme disease.  He has dedicated most of his resources to helping those in need.  Hear how his special collaboration with NutraMedix (Dr. Cowden’s protocol) can be offered to those who qualify.  The application can be found HERE.

Since recovering from Lyme disease, he has focused his efforts on helping Lyme patients through organizations he has founded including Ticked Off Music Fest, Ticked Off Foundation non-profit patient fund, Lyme Recovery Clinic, and www.LymeKnowledge.com.  He is also the author of The Gratitude Curve, where he uses the lessons of chronic illness to reach personal empowerment.

This is a special episode.  I hope you’ll join us to learn more.

This episode of Lyme Time is airing now on Spotify, YouTube, Apple, and at TheTickChicks.com.

In good health,



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