Fall Tick Prevention

September 16, 2021

Tick season is all year long…but they just can’t stay away from leafy piles so for many of us that means extra precautions in fall. Here are a few tips for enjoying the great outdoors whether gardening, fishing, hunting, camping or just walking your dog!

*Cover arms and legs
*Wear white if possible
*Tuck pants into socks if possible
*Spray any skin that remains exposed
*Spray clothing, shoes and hats
*Pull long hair up tight
*Throw a tick removal kit in your pack
*Spray your pets

Once you’ve come inside, it’s a great idea to throw your clothes into the washer and wash them immediately. Since washing alone isn’t enough to kill ticks, make sure you dry them on high heat to fully eradicate any small, lingering bugs. If your clothes aren’t dirty, just dry them on high if you don’t wash them. That will be enough.

Next, take a shower and scrub behind the ears, in all the nooks and crannies, and especially scrub the scalp. Don’t forget your pets and kiddos!

The only cure for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases is PREVENTION! So, that’s one thing at least that is in our control.

You have to live your life. Enjoy it. Don’t be afraid. Just be smart. You don’t need to trigger any unwanted symptoms.

The hardest thing to watch is kids with tick borne illness. They depend on you!

For sprays from natural to heavy duty camping/hunting for people and pets, shop my favorites HERE. (The heavy duty permethrin lasts on clothing and gear for 6 washings)!

Here’s to enjoying this wonderful season!

Ali xo


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