“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 68: Hunting, Camping, Gardening x Lyme with the Tick Terminator Brian Anderson

March 21, 2024

Enjoy the Great Outdoors Safely and Prevent Tickborne Illness

Nature enthusiasts, hikers, hunters, mushroom foragers, and gardeners:  Are you doing everything in your power to be tick preventative?  This podcast episode of Lyme Time features Brian Anderson, the “Tick Terminator” that everyone needs to hear.  As an avid outdoorsman himself, Brian talks specifically about misconceptions surrounding ticks and other vectors known for spreading Lyme disease and co-infections.  He is the author of the book “Winning the War on Ticks” and has made it his mission to educate those of us in the community that work or play in the great outdoors.

If you or someone you love spends any time in cool, shaded, low-lying brush (what ticks like most), please send this information to them.  Especially good for those parents of children and those in the military who do extensive training.

Ticks CAN be prevented but it must be taken seriously, and sprays must be applied correctly.  When done so, clothing and gear can be “protected” for up to 12 weeks and many washings!  Brian takes us through it all and as he puts it, “ticks don’t have to be big to be bad”.  Listen now and learn how to safely navigate and enjoy all that nature has to offer.

This is a great episode to play for outdoor employees or children if you are an educator!

To listen to this podcast episode, find Lyme Time on Apple, Spotify, YouTube or at TheTickChicks.com.  Or, click HERE!

To learn more about The Tick Terminator, visit TheTickTerminator.com.

Here’s to once again enjoying nature in all her beauty.



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