“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 38: Dr. Bill Rawls and his latest book, The Cellular Wellness Solution

June 21, 2022

It’s here!  The Cellular Wellness Solution:  Tap into your full health potential with the science-backed power of herbs by Dr. Bill Rawls

Friends and warriors, this is a must read for anyone interested in the REAL root-cause of disease, the deterioration of our cellular health!  Our esteemed Dr. Bill Rawls has done it again by tackling the science and connection behind chronic illness and stressed cells on the latest episode of Lyme Time.

Did you know that by age twenty, our cell health is at its peak?  That means constant repair work is essential to the resilience of these trillions of microscopic cells that literally make up every organ in our body.  Cells are capable of becoming damaged daily, even to the point of no return.  However, they are also extremely intelligent, too, and are equally capable of repairing and restoring even the toughest of diseases with the implementation of specific herbs, nature’s own hard-working bio-chemical agent.

Disease doesn’t have to be forever, says Dr. Rawls, author of Unlocking Lyme.  His science-based career research is fully documented and exposed in this big book of resources with specific tools to help you overcome potential diseases associated with disrupted hormone, heart, gastrointestinal, bone, brain, blood sugar, joint, prostate, skin and sleep issues.  (20% of cancers are due to the microbes invading otherwise healthy and vibrant cells).  Yes, as in Lyme bacteria…it’s been found in such things as breast cancer.

His extensive knowledge of herbs is fully explained in easy-to-read terms and has a large table of the how to use individual herbs for helping treat specific health conditions.  The use of herbs is a long-term, natural treatment that may take a little longer than conventional medicine but not wreak havoc on other parts of your body.  And a little secret?  They are usually an economical option as well, with little to no side effects.

To listen to this informative episode of Lyme Time with Dr. Rawls and Ali, click HERE.  To order The Cellular Wellness Solution, click HERE.  For Dr. Rawls’ protocol for bacterial diseases such as Lyme, click HERE.

We are so happy he is on The Tick Chicks WELLth Advisory Team and couldn’t be happier for this new resource book on all things health.  Bravo!

With love,


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