“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 46: Mast Cell 101 and treatments with Dr. Todd Maderis

February 23, 2023

MCAS.  (What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, after all)?

This week’s podcast focuses on all things mast cell with Todd Maderis, ND of Marin Natural Medicine Clinic and Ali as they break down why Lyme disease makes us more susceptible to triggers in our environment and what to do when that happens.

Can it be reversed?  Are there at-home solutions we can try?  What exactly is 10-pass Ozone and does it help?

This informative episode also goes into Lyme and MECFS (debilitating fatigue), EBV, T-Cells, Fibromyalgia, Mold Illness, and Hypercoagulation.  Dr. Maderis witnessed all the worst sides of Lyme when his daughter was diagnosed.  It was through this firsthand experience that he was able to help navigate Lyme and continue his search for symptom relief for her.

Often, the worst onset of symptoms or new episodes come after the holidays when our systems are a little more vulnerable.  Listen to this episode of Lyme Time today and gather a few more weapons to put in your arsenal.

Listen to this episode BY CLICKING HERE.  You’ll be glad you did!

Be well,




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