Bite Me!

April 28, 2020

There was a time in my Lyme journey where I began reacting to vector bites.  I go to the Midwest every summer to enjoy the lakes and country life but with that comes mosquitos, spiders and ticks.  I began noticing that the bites would become bigger than usual, have some drainage, and also become very painful when I took baths.  Lyme disease for me has gone through many iterations and phases, each one bringing a new and interesting (and always annoying) twist.  Most of the time, they are phases and they eventually disappear as randomly as they appeared.

So, I became vigilantly aware of treating bites, cuts, and even shaving protocols with tea tree soap.  It’s a natural anti-bacterial that can be used every day in the shower or bath.  I figured the less bacteria in and around these points of entry, the better.  I also changed my family soap to be strictly tea tree soap.

On more serious issues like staph or random underarm lumps while shaving, I use Hibiclens.  I do not use this regularly, as it is extremely antimicrobial and I’m wary of building up a resistance.  But, on occasion, if I feel that it’s necessary, I have some in the bathroom cupboard just in case I really want to attack bacteria on the skin.

Visit our Shop Body page for more clean body inspiration and check out our favorite Tea Tree soap and Hibiclens.  Keep enjoying the great outdoors and be prepared!

Xo Ali


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