“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 62: Fascia, Structural Integration and Lyme with author Dan Bienenfeld

February 1, 2024

Overcoming a pain-filled body.

Author of Align for Life:  Journey to Structural Integration Dan Bienenfeld joins the latest episode on the LYME TIME PODCAST with me and yes, he is one of my most valued personal practitioners.  He has treated Martin Short, Jennifer Grey and Academy Award winning patients over his 40+ years as a fascia expert.

Do you think you can live a life without pain?  In the worst of my days, I wouldn’t have believed it to be true.  However, Dan has seen hundreds of Lyme disease patients and has personally reversed scoliosis through practicing Hellerwork (developed by Joseph Heller). 

Fascia tightness was one of my worst symptoms with the onset of Lyme.  Hear how structural alignment can help drain the lymphatic system and help empty toxins from your body.  As Lyme warriors, our bodies can become overly stiff from muscle retraction, stress, immobility, and pain.  As Dan puts it, “your body can either flow or be sick”.

His techniques go hand in hand with bodywork, trapped trauma, and release so that you may eventually respond to trauma in a healed way, a way that is relaxed, yet aware.

To hear this episode of LYME TIME, click HERE.

To order Dan’s book, sign up for his new daily course, Embody365, click HERE.

Today is your day to open your mind to alternative, supportive means of healing that you never considered before and live a life without pain.

Always here to support you!  I’ve been there.



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