Thankfulness 2020

November 26, 2020

Thankfulness 2020

I don’t know about you but when I think about all the blessings in my life, family always comes first. It’s all the things that come with the holiday…the food, the laughter, the funny memories, the football. This year has definitely made thankfulness both deeper felt as well as harder to find.

Today I hope you find a moment alone to give yourself pause to take in how far you’ve come. Blessings of knowledge and a deeper understanding of self. How strong you are, how motivated you’ve become, how you have had to dig really deep inside your mental health. No matter where you stand today or what your status currently is, you have made strides in ways beyond what you may have imagined. It’s important to remember where you have come from and celebrate the baby steps along with the giant leaps.

I’m thankful for your commitment to finding the other side. I’m here to be by your side and give hope that there truly is “life after Lyme.”

Thank you for trusting me.

The very best to you today and always.



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