Holistic Healing with Dr. Kristin Reihman and Dr. Kristann Heinz

This week on Lyme Time, we have two special guests, Dr. Kristin Reihman and Dr. Kristann Heinz. Straight from a COVID virus epicenter at Atlanta’s convention center, listen to this week’s episode to learn how two MDs apply lessons learned from healing Lyme patients in their daily practice to patients currently battling the coronavirus. Continue reading to get a quick look at the five pillars they recommend to optimize your health.

Lyme Time Podcast Episode 6: The Herb Guru – Dr. Bill Rawls, M.D

I have to admit, before my diagnosis of Lyme disease, I had no idea about the herbal and natural remedy world. It seemed far-fetched to believe something as simple as an herb could actually make changes in my body, move it toward optimum health, help my symptoms subside, and not break the bank. After years of exhausting the conventional medical world and its lack of understanding to tackle my physical issues, I began opening myself to the ideas outside “the box.” It’s a world not easily navigated but rewarding nonetheless. For it was here that I found the ability to heal my symptoms from the combination of conventional, functional, and integrative medicine.

PEMF Therapy and Lyme

March 24, 2020 in Managing Symptoms, Treatments

My PEMF mat is one of my go-to at-home treatments for Lyme. It is considered one of the safe and non-invasive modalities to help with Lyme. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy uses low-level electromagnetic radiation as a non-invasive way to treat…


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