“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 9: Integrative Medicine with Dr. Kelley

July 23, 2020

Are you looking for a personalized approach to treating Lyme Disease? Today we discuss Integrative and Functional Medicine with Lyme Disease specialist and founder of Case Integrative Health, Dr. Casey Kelly, M.D. ABoIM. Join us to learn why an integrative approach may be best for you. Keep an open mind.

What is Integrative Medicine?

Conventional Medicine views the body as a series of organs which are typically separated from one another. This works well with certain fields such as emergency medicine and infectious disease. However, it can cause millions of chronic illnesses to be misdiagnosed because the body is not being looked at as an integrated whole. Integrative medical care, or Functional Medicine, is a healing-oriented method that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit). It uses conventional and non-conventional medicine to understand the prevention, manage the symptoms, and identify the root causes of complex chronic diseases.

Each patient has a specific treatment program designed to their needs. Instead of 10-15-minute appointments, your first consult is the most comprehensive at 60-90 minutes. You are treated as a person rather than just a patient. Your health and history are thoroughly discussed, leaving you feel heard. Next you will complete a set of Functional Labs and later create a treatment plan to assess your goals.

Your treatment plan may include:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Herbs and supplements
  • Intensive interventions regarding your diet and lifestyle
  • Alternative therapies such as: IV therapy, peptide therapy, ozone therapy, and so much more.

Dr. Casey Kelly, M.D. ABoIM is Board Certified in Family Medicine and amongst the first of physicians to become Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. Her decision to study Functional Medicine wasn’t motivated by medical school initially- that happened organically. Like many of us, Dr. Kelly is living with Lyme Disease. She fell ill while in medical school. She was misdiagnosed with asthma because of shortness of breath and air hunger… and later diagnosed with POTS. It wasn’t until she began practicing medicine on her own that she discovered the possibility of having Lyme Disease. Dr. Kelly has extensively studied the causes, effects, and treatments of Lyme Disease, and travels nationally to lecture this and other topics. Her open-mindedness and perseverance are what continues to make her a brilliant doctor, and early adopter of Integrative Medicine.

Finding a doctor to treat Lyme Disease can be an incredibly overwhelming endeavor. The doubts, the undertreatments, the misdiagnoses! If you’re looking for that first step and haven’t done so yet, please research a functional, integrative doctor near you.

Click HERE to listen to Ali’s Lyme Time podcast with Dr. Casey Kelly!

With love and support,

NextGen Contributor

Dr. Casey Kelly’s Top Immune Boosting Supplements:

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Zinc
  4. Vitamin A
  5. Fish Oils
  6. Probiotics


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