Lyme on a Dime

February 20, 2020
Lyme disease testing and treatments can be expensive.  Here are some tips to help you navigate on a budget:

1) spend on symptoms

If a second test is too expensive for you, the money is probably better spent on treating symptoms.  If all other big diseases have been ruled out, assume you have Lyme, ditch the second opinion and start treating yourself right away.  If you suspect you have been exposed to Lyme recently, start the initial antibiotic treatment course. If you suspect it has been going on for many months or years, you can do a longer course of antibiotics or move straight to some other reasonably priced options.

2) herbal therapy

Consider herbal therapy, like the Dr. Rawls Lyme Protocol featured on our SHOP page.  Relatively speaking, it is cost-effective and can help symptoms over the long-term.

3) supplement therapy

Consider supplement therapy.  Most Conventional MD’s won’t go down this path so you will probably need a Functional MD or Lyme-Literate MD to monitor you and prescribe the needed supplements that you are lacking.  Have bloodwork done to determine what supplements you will take for your protocol.

4) treatments from home

Research and do treatments you can do from your home (featured on our Integrative Medicine page):  Dry brushing, IV drips for immunity boosts (you can google one in your area), rebounding, switching to a paleo or keto diet, Epsom salt baths, CBD (plus THC if you can add a small amount) creams, meditation, essential oils, and infrared saunas or blankets are just a few things you can do at home.  Take natural sleep aids to help keep your days and nights from mixing up. During good periods or remission states, try a 3-5 day modified fast to reset your body into a less-reactive state. These things might not sound like they are medicine for your body, but they have worked for us and we believe that doing these simple things daily can really make a difference.  We have had many people reach out to us and say they dismissed this step because everything sounded “hokey” and they just wanted Western medicine to kill the Lyme once and for all.  If it were that simple, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.  So, decide that all of this is your new normal for a couple of years.  It’s an ALL-OUT, MULTI-ANGLE war against the Lyme bacteria and how it affects your brain, nerves, joints and sleep. What do you have to lose?

Remember that more expensive in-clinic treatments will also help manage symptoms.  But if you are on a budget and willing for the healing to be in a more natural way, we think the above steps are a phenomenal option.  Be patient, it will not happen overnight. It can take months or years for your body to make adjustments and get out of the acute stage.


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