“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 69: New Jumpstart herbal program with Dr. Bill Rawls of Vital Plan

May 16, 2024

New FREE Jumpstart herbal support program with Dr. Bill Rawls!

If you’ve ever wanted to try an herbal protocol in conjunction with or as a primary source of Lyme protocol, now is the time to head to Dr. Rawls’ special offering from Vital Plan.

If you have basic questions about what exactly Dr. Rawls’  Restore Kit is all about, who can take it, how to take it, the benefits it has on Lyme patients, and more, have a listen to this NEW exciting episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST with Ali and Dr. Rawls, available on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or at TheTickChicks.com.

For over 30 years, Dr. Bill Rawls has dedicated his life to medicine. When a health crisis with chronic Lyme disease abruptly changed his quality of life, he came face to face with the limitations of modern medicine and began to explore the vast possibilities of alternative treatments. Restoring his health through holistic and herbal therapies inspired him to share his revelations on the importance of cellular wellness for defending against microbes and other root causes of illness. Today, he works to bring life and vitality to others as he helps them establish their own paths to wellness through modern herbology.

Through his bestselling books, Unlocking Lyme and The Cellular Wellness Solution, Dr. Rawls demonstrates why crucial herbal phytochemicals are key to protecting cellular health and strengthening the body’s defense against illness. Dr. Rawls is also the founder of Vital Plan, a holistic health company, where he developed the signature Restore Kit™, an advanced herbal protocol that has helped thousands to reclaim vibrant health. 

Dr. Rawls is a #1 bestselling author and seasoned speaker and interviewee. With a compassionate approach and an incredible depth of knowledge, Dr. Rawls has a distinct ability to make scientific concepts accessible and enriching for everyone.

Enjoy the interview and we will see you at his FREE Jumpstart program!

In good health,



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