“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 70: Inflammation x Lyme using Ayurvedic science with Dr. Shivani Gupta

May 23, 2024

Treating Inflammation with Ayurvedic Science and Turmeric (Curcumin)

The latest episode of the LYME TIME PODCAST focuses on the use of Ayurvedic Science and how it can aid in chronic illness inflammation associated with Lyme disease.  I learned SO much from Dr. Shivani Gupta (yes, she got her PhD in Turmeric!) who is the founder of Fusionary Formulas, a line devoted to the balance of Ayurvedic herbs and modern science.  (Enter the discount code TICKCHICKS15 at checkout for savings).

We discuss the 5,000 year old mastery of Ayurvedic spices as medicine and how easily they are assimilated into the human body to help in joint support, pain support, immune support, digestive health and sleep.  Using “Super Spices” much in the way we use “Super Foods”, these ancient natural formulas serve as anti-oxidants, anti-stress, anti-fungals and anti-virals if used in the right way.

Learn about simple daily rituals to incorporate into your daily life today—you won’t believe how easy they are and how immune support can happen in the comfort of your own home.

The LYME TIME PODCAST can be heard on Apple, Spotify, YouTube (The Tick Chicks Channel) and at TheTickChicks.com.

More about Dr. Gupta can be found at https://shivanigupta.com/ as well as social media.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did!

In good health,



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