“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 71: Regulation Thermography & Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. Alice Honican

May 30, 2024

How can Regulation Thermography treatment help Lyme disease?

Dr. Alice Honican’s experience is a bit different from many other Lyme-literate practitioners. The daughter of a Naturopath-Acupuncturist-Chiropractor, she was raised in a home that embraced a natural perspective on healthcare. Her father, Dr. Seneca Anderson, was treating chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus back in the 80s!  He was one of the first Lyme-literate holistic practitioners in the state of Georgia, as well as the country, and ran a thriving practice for more than 45 years. Dr. Honican trained under her father, and has now been practicing for 20 years, treating hundreds of patients with tick-borne infections and other acute and chronic illnesses. 

Today Dr. Honican has taken over as Owner and Lead Practitioner of the practice. She has her own unique, multi-faceted approach to treating Lyme, using a combination of customized homeopathic detox remedies, herbs, and supporting detox therapies. But one of her most interesting practice tools is Regulation Thermography. Many people are aware of the power of Thermography to detect the early signs of breast cancer and as an alternative to mammogram, but it’s also an amazing tool for early detection of Lyme/spirochetes, which you know firsthand is so difficult to diagnose. 

Listen to the Lyme Time Podcast as we explore bio-energetic testing using frequency to heal Lyme and chronic conditions.  We also go deep into Regulation Thermography and how the body gives feedback after being cooled to 68 degrees with pinpoint accuracy.  We also hear more about how chronic hip pain was one patient’s unresolved tooth issue and how Dr. Honican helped them be pain-free.

To hear this episode of Lyme Time, click HERE.

To learn more about Dr. Honican’s practice or schedule a virtual appointment, visit LongevityHealth.com.

In good health,



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