“Lyme Time with the Tick Chicks” Episode 8: EMF Exposure and 5G with Diana Jabour

May 21, 2020

Have you thought about how EMFs from your cell phone and WiFi could be affecting your health and making it hard to heal from Lyme?  Today we discuss with Diana Jabour, a building biologist and expert in reducing toxins in and around your space, about the 4 pillars of a healthy home and the dangers of EMFs, cell phones, 5G to your health.  Learn top ten things to do to make your home safer. 

Diana Jabour is a certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant, Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, and New Build Consultant. Her passion is helping people limit toxins on, in, and around their space. I worked with Diana when we moved into our home and had it assessed for EMF exposures. It was such an interesting learning experience, and her recommended changes have made a significant impact on my healing journey. Ali and I are so excited for you to listen to this week’s episode of Lyme Time. Diana wanted us to share some of the resources she discussed in the podcast, so you continue to research and take a deeper dive.

Building Biology is the science of healthy buildings. Diana, who is a Building Biology Environmental Consultant, studies your space and how it affects your health.

The four pillars of Building Biology are:

  1. Air Quality
  2. Light Quality
  3. Water Quality
  4. Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

For a detailed list of tips, tricks, and product recommendations for each of the four types, check out her blog post,” Healthy Home Check List.”

So many people are confused as to what EMFs are. To put it simply, EMFs are fields of energy that surround electronic devices.

There are four types of EMFs:

  1. Electric Fields – created by differences in voltage. They are present at all times and are produced by the wiring in the walls, floors, ceilings, and wires to appliances.
  2. Magnetic Fields – created when the electric current flows to power appliances & lights. See Diana’s post on sneaky sources.
  3. RF or Wireless Radiation – short waves with higher frequency. Produced by information-carrying radio waves from wireless devices, TV and radio broadcasts & satellite.
  4. Dirty Electricity – Produced by the workings of all our electronic equipment. DE is unusable power that spikes and surges because many items require more or less electricity than the 120 volts that usually would come out of the electrical outlet.

The WHO (World Health Organization) states: electromagnetic fields affect us because our human bodies have their own electric and biochemical responses (e.g., nervous system, digestion, brain function, heart function). Exposure to EMFs can interact with your body in adverse ways.

Common EMF Exposure Symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Headaches and Pain
  • Brain fog, Poor Memory, Focus and Concentration
  • Weight Gain/Slow Metabolism

Limiting EMF exposure is crucial for everyone, but especially those with chronic illness. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a world authority on EMFs and toxicity and Lyme disease, has stated that EMFs increase excretions from candida, parasites, and mold by FIVE TIMES. He explains that “EMFs irritate them, stimulating them to overproduce toxic excretions and mycotoxins.”

Considering there have been zero safety studies by the industry, and 1996 was the last time safety standards were updated for wireless, I say let’s take the precautionary principle.

For now, it is safe to say that whether you are suffering from a chronic illness or not, you should limit your exposure to these dangerous waves as much as possible. 

Listen to this week’s episode of Lyme Time with The Tick Chicks to learn more from Diana Jabour!

xx, Mimi

Diana's Top Ten Wireless Radiation Tips

  1. Nighttime- Put your cellphone on airplane mode at night, unless you prefer to be zapped with sleep stealing EMFs that will emit all night.
  2. Turn off your router or put on an automatic timer at night. Remember, these devices emit 24/7 unless off and don’t need WiFi when sleeping.
  3. Hardwire any baby monitors
  4. Daytime- Follow the industry set warnings and refrain from holding wireless devices against or ON your body or lap unless on airplane mode. You can change your exposures just with this small habit change. (There are fine print warning labels on your iPhone, routers, tablets)
  5. Keep your cellphone in a bag or purse when you’re moving around. This will create some distance between the device and your body. Remember, cell phones emit EMFs even when you’re not using them to text or make calls.
  6. Eliminate “smart” devices that emit 24/7, including Alexa, your smartwatch, and ear pods.
  7. Ditch the WiFi and GO WIRED! Why? Wired is faster, more stable, and more secure.
  8. Turn Bluetooth and WiFi off on your computer and hardwire.
  9. If able, opt-out of your Smart Meter and go back to analog.
  10. CHILDREN – Use the AAP recommendations and realize that children should not use cellphones. Younger people are typically more prone to EMF problems. Doctors are concerned because the brain and organs of a child are still developing, and their skulls are thinner, making EMF penetration easier.


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