To Supplement or Not To Supplement…?

March 26, 2020

Whether you are currently on a course of antibiotics or not, you may be wondering if you should take the plunge into daily supplements.  Like an herbal protocol, supplements are one of the more cost-effective ways to boost immunity against Lyme disease.  You may even consider herbs and supplements in lieu of an antibiotic protocol.  Basically, your path is your own.  If you feel you want to consider supplements, here are some tips from this Chick!

First, go to your Functional medicine doctor and ask for a blood panel to get started.  Our blood tells us so much about what is going on with our cells, and you will need a benchmark for how the supplements are working for you.  I always tell people that since you’re getting blood work done anyway, have them check for anything else you might suspect.  You are your best advocate, so go for it and do your research before!

Once you get your results, your Functional doctor can help design some supplements to take daily until your levels even out.  I will be on a few supplements for the rest of my life as I have a constant weakened immune genetic code.  However, there are some supplements (like those for inflammation) that I have been able to kick off my list over time.  I started off with about 8 types of pills and now am at about 6.  You do not need a million supplements.  Your doctor can let you know how many to take each day.

I began supplements at a low point in my Lyme journey, right after being diagnosed with chronic EBV and before getting the Lyme diagnosis.  Supplements, like herbs and vitamins, need time and patience.  It could take the better part of a year to begin considering leveling off.  Each patient is different and will need different supplements, but some of my favorite supplements for detox and immune function are on our Shop page under Supplements and Herbs

Above all, remain positive.  I take my supplements every day, some twice a day.  I believe they have been a major part of helping me reach a remission stage.  Here’s to one more tool in our arsenal!




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